Who is Jasmine Tassé? Can you identify her?

You win....yes, it is her

Those of us in the area gathered around to celebrate her "pre-birthday" since we were there on 2 July and her birthday is actually 3 July. The girl on the far right is Halley (her best friend since grade school).

Ranger seems inquisitive-doesn't he?

Then we marched over to the table to do gifts and....cake

Jasmine was all thrilled to be sitting at the head of the table. I am guessing she doesn't do that too often. Next came the cake...no! Jasmine had asked for Strawberry Cheesecake NY Style.

Notice those balloons in the background...."17" I had mentioned that they could actually keep them until Oct when I turn 71...funny how that is...

Jasmine looks all serious...what is going through her mind?

She ties back her hair and will huff and will puff and will blow those candles down.

Now the cutting of the cake. First in half

then 1/2 of a 1/2 = 1/4 (everything with Thomas must be choreographed and mathematical

Go girl, you're on a roll every 1/4 into two pieces gives 1/8th

The final result...well, at least this was my piece--and it was excellent Cheesecake.

Now that we've eaten, NOW, comes the cards and gifts from those of us there or had sent it in

First up, Great Grandma's card

It's funny how things like that bring a smile to someone's face

Next came our gift

Wise words from grandma

A nice laugh from grandma..if you want to know why...scroll down

Grandma had inserted "goodies" into her gift bag and was telling Jasmine that she wasn't sure what she liked, but just in case, they were all Grandma's favorites ;)

Gavin seemed to agree

Happy 17th Birthday Jasmine